Its been a long time since I have bothered posting as life took over and the Summer seemed to slip away.
Well I'm back and badder than ever. Just like our chapter.
I've had some excursions, to the Neversink, to the Battenkill in Vt and to the Down East region of Maine. Nothing crazy to report, but there were some flashes of greatness.
On the Neversink, I hiked into the gorge with my buddy and fellow Hacklebarney member Chris Giordano. It had rained heavily the night before (tells you how many weeks ago this was) and the river was up and muddy-like Yoohoo. We cracked the code and caught fish on white buggers in tough conditions.
On the Battenkill, I caught a 14" brown on a Grobert Iris Caddis emerger, blind casted to an area that just looked fishy to me. It was. Thats one tough river btw and a story for another day.
In Maine, I caught some great smallies on poppers. It made me want to start tying these flies. It seems like it could be fun.
Anyway, the first meeting of the year is next week in Whippany. Get you act together and get your keyster to Whippany. We're back in the saddle.