Welcome to Hacklebarney Trout Unlimited 

Hacklebarney Trout Unlimited was founded in 1975. Our chapter currently boasts 400 members and about 50 of these members regularly attend our monthly meetings. We welcome all to our meetings and would enjoy having you as a member. As you will see in these pages we are active in the conservation and monitoring of local streams, eager to educate others in our sport and leverage our membership to organize events where we can refine our fly fishing skills and learn from each other.

We meet the second Thursday of every month starting promptly at 7:30pm, except July and August.

The address is

Whippany American Legion Hall 13-23 Legion Place (in the basement room) Whippany, NJ

For directions, click here.

Chapter Board Members

Michael Peters -President                                                                                        Michael is a retired chef/restaurateur. His credentials include fly fishing since he was 12, a member of TU since 1970, and more recently banquet chairman and website manager for Hacklebarney Chapter TU. Email: htuprez at gmail dot com   

Jonathan Eng -Vice President Jonathan is currently working as an electrical lineman/Trouble shooter for JCPL/First Energy. Became a member of TU 6/23/2013. Currently is Vice President and would like to continue in this position

Rich Tullo -Treasurer Rich is a retired mechanical engineer who was manager of engineering at Hoffman LaRoche, and project manager for Jacobs Engineering. He has been an active member in the Hacklebarney TU chapter for over 25 years, speaker chairman for over 15 years, and the treasurer for over 5 years. He is volunteering to continue as treasurer for the next 3 year term.

Sam Sandus -Recording Secretary & Trout in the Classroom Coordinator Sam is longtime member since 1985, former Hacklebarney TU Chapter President and State Council Secretary. He has served in most offices in the Chapter and was a former President of Friends of the Rockaway River conservation group. He currently works at Manheim Auto Auctions as a driver and had been a Service Support Manager, IT Help Desk and Electronics Technician at Weighing Equipment Manufacturers.

Cris Giordano - Trips Coordinator & State Council Cris owns his own painting business. He has enjoyed getting to know people from all over the state and driving hard bargains with lodges for trips. He would like to continue in these roles. email: hacktutrips at gmail dot com

John Melluso -State Council John is a Senior Telecom Engineer for Allergan where he provides voice infrastructure Support for numerous call centers within the company. He is also a volunteer fire fighter for Long Hill Township and Hacklebarney member for over 5 years.

Jim Langell -Guest Speaker Coordinator Jim "Big Daddy" Langell A media salesperson for Bloomberg by day. After 3 years as VP and 5 years as president, Jim will continue to run the December and banquet auctions, administer criticism and provide us with speakers for our chapter meetings.

Steve Widuta - Membership Coordinator /Meetings Rules Facilitator A retired chiropractor and former adjunct professor, Steve has served as a board member for many years, helping out with the banquet, meetings and organization. He will be taking on the role of Membership Coordinator to make all feel welcome.

Stu Zlotnik -Chapter Service Partnership Coordinator Stu is a volunteer with “HOW" Heroes On The Water a national  organization providing therapy to veterans and first responders through kayak fishing.  He serves as a member of the HOWNJ chapter leadership team and is also the coordinator for the HOW / Lyons VA Hospital Midweek Therapeutic Program.  He also volunteers with Project Healing Waters and Reel Recovery and looks forward to the opportunity develop and expand partnerships between Hacklebarney TU and other service organizations. email: stu at hownj dot com

Henry Bayard - Chapter Conservation Committee Coordinator Henry retired after 44 years in management and strategic account development at ITT, Western Union, AT&T, and OpenText Network cloud services. Post retirement, Henry has attended environmental courses and received certificates through several on-line programs. His interest in conservation led him to volunteer at Raritan Headwaters Association and the Hacklebarney Chapter of Trout Unlimited.

Other Important Members

Marc Weiner -Secondary Chapter Conservation Chair

Todd Murphy -Secondary Chapter Conservation Chair

Bill Sjovall -Fly Fishing Schools Bill is a former Hacklebarney TU Chapter President. His specialty is catching huge fish on a fly.

Cliff Behrens -Fly Tying Classes Cliff is a former Hacklebarney TU Chapter President. He likes to fly fish everywhere and he ties special flies for each destination.




Serving Northern New Jersey and it’s coldwater rivers and fisheries