Montana has no water!

I get emails from a great guide Eddy "FishsEddyO" Olwell, after floating with him on the Bitterroot a few years ago.  I highly recommend the guy btw.  He does a great trip-check him out at 

Maybe its time to reconsider a trip fore the chapter out there in September?  Id like to.

Eddie is the guy giving the thumbs up.

Eddie is the guy giving the thumbs up.

He sent this.  This news was a real surprise to me.  check it out...

You may have heard the news about fishing restrictions on some of the trout rivers of western Montana. I wanted to update everyone with accurate information. On July 3rd, Montana FWP implemented "Hoot Owl” restrictions on the Bitterroot, Blackfoot and Clark Fork rivers What this means is fishing is still open on these rivers but limited to sunrise until 2pm… Fishing is prohibited after 2pm. These restrictions have been put in place due to unusually high water temperatures in these rivers ( >73 degrees for 3 consecutive days). Trout require cold oxygenated water for their survival and become stressed when temps begin to exceed 68 degrees.The stress of high temps and being caught by fishermen leads to increased mortality on released fish. A lower than normal snowpack, warmer and drier spring, and record breaking temperatures in the last few weeks with several days exceeding 100 degrees have created a perfect storm of problems. Unfortunately July and August are typically dry months so there is no immediate relief in sight. The West Fork of the Bitterroot has no restrictions thanks to cold water releases from the bottom of Painted Rocks reservoir. Water temps on the West Fork should remain below dangerous levels for fish. While the West Fork is a good option, fishing pressure is increasing as this is the only cold water in the area. You will definitely see more people fishing