I drove to the Musky on Saturday evening and got to the lower section about 5pm. I nymphed for a bit in a spot I have had success at in the past, and quickly drummed up 5 slot rainbows on #18 BHPTs. I saw sulphers coming off in the riffle and when they started to come off with regularity, about an hour later, I moved off the riffles into the flats.
As I re-approached the river, I saw one, then two then close to 10 fish feeding on top. I slowly made my way in and threw a Rabbits foot sulpher #14. Ignored. I did it again. Ignored. 4 more times. Nothing. I then cut it off and switched to a loop wing emerger, fished in the film. That was the ticket. I started catching right and left.
After about 4 fish, it started to drizzle and then the wind picked up. The bugs stopped and so did the fish. for that hour though, all the pieces fell together and magic happened.