Just for the heck of it, from now on, Im going to profile a Hacklebarney member a month.
Alex working it while on a trip to the Beaverkill with oher Team USA members and Matt Grobert.
This month Alex Rundella, one of the youngest members of our chapter, is the guy to be honored first. Alex is a member of the USA Youth Fly Fishing Team and a master nympher. Alex and his buddies get out there on the river, start czech nymphing and catching fish after fish. It can depress the crap out of some of us older guys who arent bringing in the numbers.
Alex on his Hacklebarney sponsored trip to the youth conference in Wyoming.
This guy is lucky enough to fish all over the East coast, and will be taking his talents to Montana this fall, when he attends school there.
So watch out all you sexy University of Montana at Missoula co-eds, Alex Rundella is soon to be on the prowl, and with his good looks and Jersey attitude, watch out for this Don Juan.