Zoom Meeting with Dominick Swentosky- Thursday, March 11th

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Old-School vs Modern Streamers

Dominick Swentosky is a guide and author of the website “Troutbitten”. He is a father of two young boys, a husband, author, fly fishing guide and a musician. He fishes for wild brown trout in the cool limestone waters of Central Pennsylvania year round. This is his home, and he loves it. Friends. Family. And the river.

Modern streamer strategy is a game for targeting big fish and is best paired with a trophy hunting mentality. It’s a tactic that asks big predatory trout to get up and aggressively chase down their prey. It works, but not always, and not in all waters.

Somewhat forgotten these days, is the old-school style of streamers. With smaller, more realistic patterns, and with presentations that imitate a more easily available food form, old-school streamers is about taking a convincing meal to the trout.

Each style has its moments, and this presentation helps to define the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

Please join us Thursday, March 11th, at 7:30 on Zoom to meet Domenick Swentosky. You should receive an email from our president, Jim Langell, with all the details just before the meeting.