I had a few hours last night, so it just made sense to get some time on the water.
As the Musky had been my destination for the last half dozen outings, and we had good rain last week, I thought to change things up.
The decision was made to hit my favorite stretch on the South Branch.
I rolled into the parking lot around 6:30pm and put on the wading boots. If you have fished with me, you would know I never wear waders in the Summer, unless I'm on the West Branch or its abnormally cool.
I made my way through the woods and got to the bank. I scanned the water for a few minutes. The water was up a lot and on the muddier side.
Sure enough, there were already fish feeding on top.
I threw a Sulpher emerger and had a few drifts pass over the fish with no love. It was clear I chose the wrong fly. I quickly switched to a medium rusty spinner and made a few passes with that fly. After the 3rd or 4th pass (right before frustration set in) I saw a nice stockie rainbow porpoise and suck in my fly. It fought well and I released it back to the cool dark water. I have to give credit, the rainbows the state stocked this year have been very nice fish. Strong and clean with no nipped fins, etc.
Anyway, I slowly waded up river and tried to throw to any risers I saw. Within about 20 feet, I had hooked a little wild brookie of about 7 inches. I got to a very productive pool and there were just fish coming up all over. I hooked a really nice 10" wild bow with beatiful fins and parr markings.
I then saw another fly fisherman pop out right across the river. He went to cast right towards me, and I saw his suprise when it registered I was standing there. He offered to move, but I was happy to continue my walk up river and told him so.
I couldnt put anything together up river though, so I left the water and walked back to my car, pretty happy with the experience, the beautiful weather and life in general. I drove home excited to watch Game of Thrones.
The scene with Stannis' daughter still haunts me. Thats another story and another topic, but suffice it to say, Stannis is a POS.