I hit my favorite stretch of the South Branch on Friday. The sun was shining in and out of the clouds, the weather was warm and the fishing was great.
I thought that there might be Hendricksons, but no such luck. There were Blue Quills and Grannom Caddis out. The caddis were everywhere.
The only unfortunate thing was that I left my butt pack (and all my flies and leaders) at home on the floor of my garage.
I did happen to have two EHCs on my lanyard though, so all was not lost. Those two flies scored me 4 brookies, 4 browns and a rainbow-all wild.
My pants were sagging though, as with every backcast, I thought Id be donating to the tree Gods. Somehow, all my casts landed true and I came home with the same two flies.
Spring just rocks! I wish I was out there today!