Banquet this Saturday - New Venue

Hey folks, if you missed the email, the restaurant we have had the banquet at the past few years, Il Giardino, totally dropped the ball.  We had the basement room reserved, and the new owners decided to renovate and not mention it.  Shame on them!  I  won't be going there again, ever.

Your board of directors scrambled, and the good news is we kept the date, and found another spot.  The Exchange in Rockaway.  We look forward to building a new legacy with this restaurant.  It doesn't hurt that they have 26 beers!  I'll take one of each please!

The Exchange is at 160 East Main Street in Rockaway.  Their number is 973-627-8488, if you happen to need it.  

Otherwise, we'll see you at 6pm, dinner is served at 7:30.  Bring your wallets and appetite.