Please join us at our Holiday Meeting and auction on Thursday, December 12 at the Whippany American Legion at 7:30.
If you don't come to any meetings or come to only one meeting a year, this is the meeting you should not miss. Members are welcome to bring a pot luck appetizer and we always have a good sampling of food. We will also have some brewskies for those that are so inclined, and I am inclined.
Then there's the auction- please bring something that is gently used or new and has been kicking around your closet. There will be some good bargains if you are looking for books, hackle or who knows. All the while we have some fun and many laughs. Before the night is over someone will end up with an item they did not know that they were bidding on. This is also our second most successful fundraiser of the year.
For those of you that ordered a Hacklebarney TU T shirt, the shirts are in! They came out great and will be available at the meeting. We request a minimum donation of $10. If you did not order one, there will be a few extras.
Last, Mike Russo and I will be teaching a twerking class after the auction for those interested. Just kidding.
Come get your freak on.
See you there.