Dick Hepper's Funeral

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dick Hepper's funeral will be this Saturday December 9th, 2017 at Norman Dean's funeral home in Denville, NJ. It will be from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. and a memorial service starts at 12:30 P.M. In addition his graveside service will be held at 1:30 P.M. at the Denville cemetery. Please try to attend at least one of these events to show your respect and love for him because Dick Hepper dedicated his life to Conservation and the Hacklebarney chapter. He gave his blood, sweat, and tears to the organization in hopes of making our world a better place through conservation. He impacted many of our members in a positive way, treated everyone with the respect and love they deserved, and made everyone feel welcome. For more information you can visit the Norman Dean website. 


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Happy Holidays

Does heart warming food, comradery, and winning prizes bring joy to your soul? If it does our December meeting on the 14th is your place to be. This is our annual holiday meeting and there will be a plethora of food and prizes. All you have to do is bring some cash to enter the raffles, and some of your favorite winter food. This meeting is a lot of fun and is a great time to reminisce on your fishing trips and conservation projects from the past year as well as plan new ones. We would like to see you all there to celebrate the holidays and the amazing work we do as a chapter. 

In Honor of Dick Hepper

For those of you who knew and loved him, Dick Hepper, the elder statesman and Minister of Discipline to our chapter, passed on peacefully over the weekend, in the loving care of his son, Ray and family.

As Sam Sandus said, "Old Fishermen don't die, they just move on upstream."

May God bless your soul Dick. You will be truly missed. You will always hold a special place in the hearts of those you met along your life's journey.Maybe last night's super moon was Dick shining down on us all.

A life well lived! Hoorah!!!


Rod Rohrbach "Spring Creeks and the Meaning of Life"

November's meeting will be on Thursday the ninth. We will have guest speaker Rod Rohrbach give a presentation on "Spring Creeks and the Meaning of Life." In this presentation he will try to teach us about the reason we all love to fly fish and what we learn while we embark on our journeys in the river. Here we "play nature's game, on nature's terms."